AR56 Chest x-ray evaluation and referral
Course summary
This course is ideal for nurses and allied health professionals wanting to develop their skills and confidence in chest x-ray assessment and referral.
Who should attend?
Advanced Practice Nurses
General Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Aims / objectives
- Meet appropriate IRMER training requirements for CXR referral (dependant on local radiology directorate).
- Understand CXR radiographic technique and common pitfalls of suboptimal images.
- Revise essential chest anatomy.
- Form a structure and methodology to image evaluation.
- Recognise common pathologies.
Course programme
- Principles of radiation protection
- IR(ME)R update
- The legalities of reporting
- Pattern recognition and report writing
- The chest X-ray technique
- Anatomy
- Alternate imaging modalities
- Pattern recognition on the chest radiograph
- Chest reporting and common pathologies (LVF, PE, Ca, COPD etc)
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