A08 Top to toe physical examination: refresh and refine your skills
Course summary
This interactive day gives you the chance to hone your examination skills and includes dynamic group participation. It is ideal for practitioners wishing to update their history taking, physical examination, reviewing signs and symptamology techniques. Perfect for advanced practice students and experienced practitioners alike.
Who should attend?
All registered nurses
Nurse practitioners
District nurses
Health visitors
Modern matrons,
Community matrons
Allied health professionals such as pharmacists and paramedics
Medical students
Aims / objectives
- Improve and update your patient assessment skills
- Be confident in using correct examination techniques.
- Get rid of those sloppy habits!!
Course programme
- History taking and documentation reviser
- Top to toe physical examination: points, principles and findings
- Demonstrations
- Group practice/patient scenarios
- Group discussions
Led by
Recommended text
Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 9/e