A66 The Patient with a Chronic Condition
Course summary
This 2 day programme provides Health Care Assistants with the essential tools needed to assist in the monitoring and management of adult patients who have common chronic conditions. Upon completing the course participants will be more confident in dealing with the more complex patient.
Who should attend?
Health Care Assistants
Aims / objectives
- Discuss causes of various common chronic diseases.
- Be aware of complications associated with these conditions.
- Review patient monitoring procedures.
- Provide appropriate health promotion and lifestyle advice
- Be aware of signs of patient deterioration
- Accurately document findings.
Course programme
- Diabetes
- Understanding diabetes:
- -Causes
- -Complications
- -Monitoring-
- oUrine and blood glucose checks
- oDiabetic neuropathy- checking peripheral circulation, sensation & vibration
- oDoppler ultrasound
- -Foot care
- -Health promotion & lifestyle advice
- -Documentation
- Hypertension & CCF
- Understanding common cardiac complaints-
- Hypertension
- -Causes
- -Complications
- -Monitoring-
- -Health promotion & lifestyle advice
- Heart Failure
- -Causes
- -Complications
- -Monitoring
- -Health promotion & lifestyle advice
- -Documentation
- Asthma
- Understanding asthma
- -Causes
- -Complications
- -Assisting with acute exacerbations
- -Monitoring-
- oPeak flow readings
- oInhaler techniques
- Health promotion & lifestyle advice
- Documentation
- Understanding COPD
- Causes
- Complications
- Assisting with acute exacerbations
- Monitoring-
- -Basic spirometry
- -Basic results interpretation
- Health promotion & lifestyle advice
- Documentation
- Dementia
- The patient with Dementia
- Definition/types
- Dealing with the patient and family
- Markers of patient deterioration
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