A97B An introduction to travel health
Course summary
From vaccinations and Malaria prevention strategies, to maintaining water and food safety abroad, travel health is a complex topic. Training is essential and this one-day course is designed to prepare you in the foundations of the subject. It’s aimed at those who are novices in travel health as well as more experienced practitioners. At the end of the day you’ll have a good understanding of all the essential issues and key resources to support your practice. The course is in line with the RCN travel health medicine competency framework and the Public Health England standards for immunisation training.
Who should attend?
Practice nurses
Nurse practitioners
Occupational health nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Note: This course is also suitable for healthcare professionals who plan to undertake travel health in settings other than primary care.
Aims / objectives
- Be confident in conducting a safe, thorough pre-travel risk assessment.
- Gain the tools to become competent in administering appropriate vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis to travelers as well as providing accurate tailored advice
- Be confident in using ‘real time’ resources to provide country-specific, individually focused, up to date advice and interventions, in a field that is dynamic.
- Discuss pertinent legal, professional and current issues.
Course programme
- Introduction to travel medicine - brief overview including Global stats.
- Travelers health epidemiology
- The importance of assessing each traveler’s individual risk
- Overview of travel-related diseases and their prevention, including travel vaccines
- Travelers diarrhoea, prevention and treatment
- Malaria prevention and related medication, ACMP guidelines
- Useful travel health products - e.g. repellents, mosquito nets
- Rabies - what’s new, using an accelerated schedule
- Legal and professional responsibilities
- Current issues - hot topics
- The best sources of information - essential resources, best practice guidance
- Scenarios
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