AR51 Immunisation and anaphylaxis essentials
Course summary
This course is for those new to immunisation or any current practitioner wanting to review the basics. It will help you develop a systematic and co-ordinated immunisation approach in line with the national minimum standards for immunisation.
Who should attend?
Practice nurses
Allied health professionals
Occupational health nurses
Community nurses
Aims / objectives
- Discuss immunity and immunisation against infectious disease
- Understand the safe storage and administration of vaccines
- Review the current child and adult immunisation programmes
- Look at complex immunisation histories
- Consider the legal aspects of giving immunisations and correct documentation
- Examine current immunisation issues and controversies
- Look at ways of improving vaccination uptake locally
- Identify resources on best practice in immunisation
- Review current anaphylaxis guidelines
Course programme
- Introduction to immunisation: aims, national and internal policy
- Immunity
- Types of vaccines
- Vaccine preventable diseases
- Cold chain
- Injection technique
- Cautions and contra indications
- Childhood immunisation programme
- Complex immunisation histories
- Influenza and pneumococcal programmes
- HPV vaccine
- Anaphylaxis
- Legal aspects of immunisation
- Documentation and reporting
- Current issues and controversies in immunisation
- Strategies for improving vaccination rates
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