AR52 Immunisation and Anaphylaxis: Refresh & Refine Your Skills Update Online
Course summary
For experienced immunisers, this course will ensure your skills are current and meet national minimum standards for immunisation update requirements. It is an opportunity to share your expertise and learn from others.
Who should attend?
Practice Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Occupational Health Nurses
Non-medical Prescribers
Aims / objectives
- Explore latest immunisation issues and changes to the National Immunisation Schedule.
- Discuss relevant legislation.
- Review vaccine preventable disease epidemiology
- Discuss complex immunisation histories.
- Identify resources on best practice in immunisation and discuss common problems and remedies in practice.
- Examine current anaphylaxis guidelines.
Course programme
- Current vaccination issues
- Epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases.
- The National Immunisation Schedule
- Legislation changes relating to vaccinations.
- Recognising and managing anaphylaxis
- Discussion on current practice, best practice, problems, and improvements.
- Case studies (complex histories)
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