AR97 Assessment & management of hand injuries in primary care
Course summary
Careful assessment and management of the injured hand are essential skills for many first contact practitioners. Poor care may result in loss of function and possible litigation. This interactive workshop offers practitioners a chance to hone their skills and develop confidence and competence in dealing with these common challenging presentations.
Who should attend?
Advance Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Practitioners
Practice Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Junior doctors
Aims / objectives
- Review MSK and soft tissue anatomy of the hand
- Develop concise history taking for hand presentations
- Develop radiographic interpretation of hand presentations
- Increase knowledge of minor surgical procedures relating to the hand
- Know when to refer to specialist care
- Develop knowledge of paediatric hand presentations
Course programme
- Review refine knowledge of hand anatomy
- Discuss history taking in relation to the hand
- Bony injuries to the hand, adult and paediatric
- Infective presentations
- Soft tissue injuries to the hand
- Hand wounds, classification and treatment
- Digital nerve blocks
- Minor surgical procedures including nail bed injuries
- When to refer, when to x-ray
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