A79 Care & management of vascular access devices
Course summary
This full day interactive course will extend your skills in the care of patients with mid to long term vascular access devices such as tunnelled catheters, midlines and PICCs. Aimed at community and hospital healthcare professionals, it has been developed in line with current guidelines and evidence based practice.
Who should attend?
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Community Nurses
Acute Care Nurses
Nurse Practitioners
Modern Matrons
Community Matrons
District Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Aims / objectives
Understand your legal and professional responsibility
Understand the rationale for IV drug administration and the associated benefits and risks
Have a working knowledge of the care and management for peripheral and central vascular access devices (CVAD)
Appreciate the rationale for midline, PICC and other CVAD placement and how this can enhance patient care
Describe and practice catheter care; identify potential complications and their appropriate management
Be aware of current good practice guidelines.
Course programme
- Registration/introductions
- Legal and professional implications
- Complications management
- Infection prevention and control/ Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT)
- Rationale for IV administration- benefits & risks
- Overview of anatomy and blood flow
- Difference between peripheral and central devices
- Indication for midline, PICC and CVAD insertion
- Drug administration via different VADs
- Flushing and maintaining patency of VADs
- Directives on needle free devices and their implementation
- Dressings & securement devices
- Demonstrations/discussions
- Practical stations
- MCQ/questions/competencies & close
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