IH23 Venepuncture and cannulation
Course summary
Attendee involvement is the key to this programme. It is geared towards confidence building and safe practice. By the end of the day participants will feel able to perform these procedures and have a solid base to build on.
Who should attend?
Advance Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Practitioners
All registered nurses
Practice nurses
Community nurses
Allied health professionals such as pharmacists and paramedics
Junior doctors
Aims / objectives
- Have a solid understanding of the indications and implications of venepuncture and cannulation
- Be more competent at safe venepuncture and cannulation techniques
- Have a firm grounding for working towards full competence of these procedures
- Recognise possible complications and their appropriate management
Course programme
- Indications for venepuncture and cannulation
- Legal and professional implications
- Equipment type and choices
- Anatomy overview - choice of site
- Demonstration of the basics
- Red flags, complications, health and safety
- Dealing with difficult cannulation
- Practice, practice, practice
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