IH59 Verification of expected patient death
Course summary
There are situations when a doctor may not be available and the death of a patient is anticipated. In such cases a registered nurse may verify the death has occurred. This course will provide a foundation in which nurses can work collaboratively and confidently in ensuring safe, skilful verification of expected patient death.
NP- Course delegates should be competent in performing basic physical examinations.
Who should attend?
Nurses - ideal for community nurses such as
-District nurses
-Hospice nurses
-Community matrons
Hospital nurses
Aims / objectives
-Be aware of the legal implications and requirements for verifying an expected death
-Outline the process for death verification
-Apply clinical examination skills to verify patient death
-Document appropriately
-How to break bad news and communicate with bereaved relatives
-Understanding the role of the undertaker and coroner, including coroner referral
-Identify what the police need to know
-Be aware of a potential crime scene
Course programme
-The role of the medical and non-medical health care providers in verification of expected death including confirmation of resuscitation status and the legal position of verifying a patient has died.
-Theory and practice of the verification procedure:
Clinical examination following suspected death - respiratory, cardiovascular and pupil assessment.
-Documenting a death.
-Bereaved relatives, communication and breaking bad news.
-The role of the undertaker.
-The coroner's role and when to refer.
-Providing the police with necessary information.
-What to do in a potential crime scene.
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