AR128 Remote Consultation for Primary Care Practitioners: Online
Course summary
The aim of this course is to develop the skills and understanding needed to effectively communicate virtually thereby facilitating safe and effective patient care in the community. Information on how to safely deal with patients, carers and other service users via telephone or video consultation whilst managing the inherent risks is central along with exploring common patient presentations and competent practice.
The workshop will include experiential learning through group activities including listening to calls to demonstrate how and when to use the skills and strategies discussed.
Who should attend?
Any community health care professional that is relatively new to conducting virtual consultations either on the telephone or video.
Aims / objectives
- Review the general principles in managing a remote consultation and how to create a good rapport with the caller.
- Discuss safe history taking within a telephone or video consultation context.
- Consider consultation protocols and their application to your working area.
- Work through triage situations relevant to your area of practice, including both minor and major ailments.
- Examine special situations and management in telephone triage and video consultations.
- Identify patient needs, managing them as required in a safe and efficient manner.
- Explore legal issues of virtual consultations, documenting and maintaining records to a professional standard.
Course programme
- Why remote consultations?
- Risks and ethical issues.
- Basic principles of virtual consultation.
- The importance of establishing a helpful relationship and techniques to achieve this.
- Managing the risks in telephone healthcare – where does it go wrong and how to prevent it?
- Visualising the patient and their environment and hearing what can’t be seen.
- Structuring and managing a healthcare consultation including, the patient perspective, taking a systematic, thorough history, common presentations, red flags, yellow flags/ scenarios.
- Equality and diversity in virtual healthcare
- Clinical priorities in remote triage/healthcare
- Summarising, reflecting and negotiating shared outcomes with the patient.
- Identification and selection of care pathways, advice, referral and follow up.
- Ensuring a collaborative approach that considers holistic needs of the patient/client, safety-netting.
- Review of consultation protocols and guidelines.
- Scenarios and practice – applying skills learned.
- Medico legal risks, Information governance, documentation and record keeping.
- Clinical decision making in virtual healthcare.
- Remote triage tools supporting safe practice.
- Scenarios and practice including difficult situations and high-risk cases.
- Auditing – importance and techniques
- Medicines management in virtual healthcare
- Frequent callers and managing challenging and/or abusive calls.
- Paediatric essentials, seeing the unseen.
- Sepsis – managing the risk in virtual healthcare.
- Taking a call- theory into practice, dummy calls, scenarios, and role play including:
- -Minor and major ailments in triage situations
- -Managing long term health conditions via triage.
- Self-care and remote triage – avoiding burnout
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