AR06 Blood results made easy
Course summary
Understanding blood results can be a difficult task. Blood results
explained in depth so you will come away with new skills
and confidence. This course explores the relevance and clinical
application of routine blood test results.
It is straightforward and to the point.
Who should attend?
GPs that want a refresher and update
Junior doctors
Medical students
All registered nurses
Nurse practitioners
Practice nurses
District nurses
Community matrons
Aims / objectives
- Understand the basic principles of haematology, coagulation and clinical
- biochemistry tests
- Be familiar with appropriate patient care relevant to the tests
- Be aware of what factors can interfere with blood test results
- Interpret blood test results, understanding possible implications of abnormal findings
- Apply theory to practice through case study application.
Course programme
- The full blood count - an overview including: White cell count and differential,
- Red blood cell count/ haemaglobin & haematicrit/ platelets/ red cell indices/ESR,
- and iron.
- Coagulation tests including bleeding time, PTT, PT and INR
- Theory to practice application
- U & E's
- Proteins and protein metabolites
- Cardiac enzymes
- Liver function tests
- Renal function tests
- Thyroid function tests
- Miscellaneous d-dimer
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