AR132 Asthma and COPD: Deteriorating and Acute Asthma and COPD in Primary Care
Course summary
This practical study day offers health professionals a comprehensive overview of the assessment and management of acute asthma (children and adults) and COPD in primary care.
Special consideration is given to the latest British Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate / Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network [BTS/SIGN]. Early presentation of deteriorating asthma and strategies such as increasing doses of Inhaled Corticosteroid will also be included (BTS/SIGN, NICE, Global Initiative for Asthma [GINA])
Special consideration is given to the latest National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE] guideline and Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [GOLD] report. Prevention of exacerbation/flare and wider body system impact during and post exacerbation will also be discussed.
Content will facilitate participants to implement evidence-based knowledge and a pro-active approach into their practice. Informal lectures and interactive practical sessions make this a stimulating, informative and enjoyable programme.
Who should attend?
Nurse Practitioners
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Practice Nurses
Community Nurses
Allied Health Professionals
Aims / objectives
- Review basic principles of respiratory health and development
- Overview of asthma care, outcomes, and deaths in the U.K and recommendations from the National Review of Asthma Deaths ([NRAD], 2014)
- Overview of COPD care, outcomes, and wider health impacts.
- Identifying characteristics, triggers and factors that increase risk of poor outcomes in the asthma and COPD population.
- Review of contemporary guidelines, publications, and reports in assessing and managing patients with deteriorating or acute airways disease.
- Pharmacological therapy in deteriorating and acute airways disease in primary care including inhaler device assessment and techniques
- Look at effective ways of evaluating practice.
Course programme
- Respiratory health and development.
- Overview of pathophysiology of asthma, COPD and acute attacks
- Case-based learning
- Deteriorating and Acute asthma and COPD presentations.
- Assessment and decision making in deteriorating and acute asthma and COPD
- Management; Pharmacological (incl. device assessment) and non-pharmacological
- Follow-up, ongoing risk, poor outcomes, when to refer
- Tools for proactive identification of asthma and COPD population at greater risk
- Audit and practice initiatives.
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