A84 Hypertension and cholesterol management in general practice
Course summary
Hypertension plays a significant role in morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD), peripheral vascular disease, stroke, and end-stage renal failure. It is a major modifiable risk factor and if not properly controlled, is associated with further CVD risk and shorter life expectancy.
An additional risk factor for cardiac health is hypercholesteremia and when combined with high blood pressure, cardiac disease risk is increased.
This course looks at the causes and management of high blood pressure and the relevancy of cholesterol monitoring and management within current evidence-based practice. It is ideal for nurses and practitioners from primary care who want to more confidently screen and manage patients with hypertension and hypercholesteremia.
Who should attend?
Practice Nurses
Nurse Practitioners
Community nurses
District Nurses
Non-medical Prescribers
Aims / objectives
Attendees will:
- Discuss the importance of blood pressure control
- Apply epidemiologic trends in hypertension to current practice so at-risk patient populations can be more easily identified, assessed, and treated.
- Review underlying pathophysiology and apply your knowledge to create treatment strategies that target critical pathways in disease development and progression.
- Be aware of the part that cholesterol plays in cardio- vascular health.
- Be more confident in assessing and monitoring the patient with hypertension and high cholesterol levels.
- Identify the nonpharmacologic interventions for hypertension and hypercholesterolemia that are supported by contemporary evidence and are in adherence with guideline recommendations.
- Discuss the risks and benefits of pharmacologic approaches to hypertension and cholesterol management.
- Describe strategies to improve patient adherence to management plans including providing adequate patient education, counselling, and support.
- Analyse necessary modifications in treatment for special populations.
Course programme
- Epidemiology and critical analysis of the risk factors
- Patho-physiology- how blood pressure is controlled
- What is cholesterol and how does it contribute to cardio-vascular disease
- Diagnosis of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, including clinical signs and diagnostic tests.
- Management of hypertension and blood cholesterol levels including adherence issues
- Non-pharmacotherapeutics
- Pharmacotherapy: lipid lowering drugs and anti-hypertensives
- Treatment considerations in special populations
- Case scenarios- explore diagnostic reasoning and appropriate management strategies
- Review of NICE and BHF- key points
- Evaluations and close
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