P29 Childhood immunisation essentials course
Course summary
This interactive programme has been developed for primary care nurses who require foundation training in childhood immunisations. The course complies with the recommendations of the current Public Health England Standards for Immunisation Training, Department of Health guidance on Childhood Immunisation and the Green Book information.
Who should attend?
Practice Nurses
School Nurses
Paediatric Nurses
Primary Care Nurses
Children's Nurses
Health Visitors
Nurse Practitioners
Aims / objectives
- Be more confident in providing accurate and current information on childhood immunisation and diseases.
- Be able to carry out safe, effective childhood immunisation care to a high standard.
Course programme
- Immunisation aims including national policies and schedules.
- The immune system and how vaccines work
- Types of vaccines and their composition
- Issues and controversies
- Communicating with patients and carers
- Legal aspects/ Accountability and responsibility (consent)
- Correct vaccine administration
- Vaccine preventable diseases
- Vaccine storage and handling
- Anaphylaxis and other adverse events
- Documentation, record keeping and reporting
- Strategies for improving immunisation uptake
- Immunisation by Healthcare Professionals (Prescribing) including competencies
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