P06 Childhood skin conditions
Course summary
This workshop has been designed for nurses and non-medical prescribers predominantly caring for children in the community. It will help them meet the challenges of treating and supporting the families of children and young people with skin disease.
Who should attend?
Nurse practitioners
Health visitors
Practice nurses
School nurses
Paediatric nurses
Allied health professionals such as pharmacists and paramedics
Aims / objectives
- Have a sound understanding of the fundamentals of proper skin assessment
- Be able to recognise and manage common skin conditions seen in children and young people
- Be confident in prescribing for skin diseases within the non-medical prescribing remit
- Be aware of the parameters for referral to specialist dermatology services
Course programme
- Skin assessment
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis
- Atopic eczema
- Scabies
- Infection: bacterial, viral and fungal
- Psoriasis
- Practical aspects of care- emollients, topical corticosteroids etc.
Led by
All lecturers are paediatric trained advanced practitioners.
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