P41 Minor illness core skills for health visitors (0-5 year olds)
Course summary
In line with the Early Years High Impact Area no 5 as set out by the UK Department of Health (2018), this course offers participants the opportunity to develop key skills for safe and competent minor illness management in the younger child. A sound understanding of common illness presentations, potential red flags and safe management provides the focus of the day.
Who should attend?
Health Visitors
Aims / objectives
- Identify the seriously unwell or deteriorating child and arrange for appropriate care
- Recognise and manage the most common minor ailments in children under 5, including safe home care advice and referrals to primary and acute care.
- Review the evidence that supports management of and prescribing for minor illnesses in this age group.
- Be more confident in supporting parents in their awareness of common illnesses in children through written and online resources.
Course programme
- Recognition of the ill child including core skills of assessing for dehydration, capillary refill and observing for respiratory distress.
- The febrile child. Assessment, home care or referral.
- Common presentations, assessment and management.
- Respiratory such as upper respiratory tract infection, sore throat, bronchiolitis or pneumonia.
- Abdominal conditions including gastroenteritis, colic and reflux
- Common skin presentations seen in infants and young children e.g. nappy rash, bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
- Evaluations and close
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