IH14 Paediatric dermatology - beyond atopic eczema
Course summary
This masterclass goes beyond the common presentations experienced practitioners are familiar with and looks at the more challenging dermatological conditions that children may present with.
Who should attend?
Nurse practitioners
Health visitors
Practice nurses
School nurses
Paediatric nurses
Allied health professionals such as pharmacists and paramedics
Aims / objectives
- Develop your knowledge of common and some less common childhood skin disorders by covering:
- Presentation and signs and symptoms
- Diagnostic tests where applicable
- Management and nursing care
Course programme
- Infections and infestations
- Erythemato-squamous disorders
- Nappy area eruptions
- Hair and nails
- Naevi and nodules
- Vascular disorders
- Bullous diseases
- Connective tissue disorders
- Infections and infestations
- Papulosquamous disorders
- Disorders of pigmentation
- Other forms of eczema (not atopic)
- Bullous diseases
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