P48 Practical skills for assessing the ill child
Course summary
This hands-on course covers all the basic skills needed for assessing common childhood complaints. Besides practicing history taking and examination skills for the ENT and respiratory systems, delegates will build on their knowledge to make diagnoses and management decisions.
Who should attend?
Advanced nurse practitioners
Health visitors
Non-medical prescribers
Nurse practitioners
Paediatric nurses
Practice nurses
Allied health professionals
School nurses
Important notes
Quality assurance: hands-on workshop; maximum student to trainer ratio: 12 to one.
PDUK does not guarantee clinical competence. This must be developed in the workplace with appropriate clinical facilitators.
Course duration | Course CPD | In-house Course |
2 day(s) | 14 hour(s) | POA |
In-house enquiry
Aims / objectives
- After completing the workshop, attendees will be competent to undertake the following with confidence:
- -An episodic health history for common presentations;
- -Physical examinations, applying them within a developmental context in each of the systems reviewed;
- -A physical examination on a colleague of the systems covered;
- -Assess a variety of ENT, respiratory and febrile paediatric presentations;
- -Diagnose and manage the above conditions.
Course programme
- Age appropriate history taking and physical examination techniques.
- Recognition of the ill child.
- The febrile child.
- ENT/lymphatic examination and practice.
- ENT-related presentations (e.g. OM, sore throat).
- Respiratory assessment and practice.
- Respiratory-related presentations including upper versus lower respiratory tract infections, bronchiolitis and pneumonia.
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