P43 The Nuts & Bolts of Head & Sports Injuries
Course summary
This study day looks at both head injuries and other common sports injuries. Recognition of red flags, basic assessment and management will provide the main focus for both morning and afternoon sessions. This is an ideal course for both laymen and health care professionals that require the essentials needed to make safe decisions.
Who should attend?
school nurses
layman who deal with sports injuries
Aims / objectives
- Be aware of the causes and forms of head injury
- Review basic assessments for head injury presentations.
- Be aware of safe head injury management practice such as when to refer to A&E and return to play for sports related injury.
- Gain a greater awareness of common musculoskeletal (MSK) sports injuries
- Be more confident in managing basic MSK injury.
Course programme
- Head injuries
- - Mechanism of Injury (MOI)
- - Forms of injury
- - Clinical features
- - Basic assessments
- - Guidelines and management, including referral parameters
- Sports injuries
- - Common MSK injuries related to sports
- - Principles of MSK treatment
- - Decision making when to refer or manage using case histories
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