AR44 Recognising common dermatological conditions in people of colour
Course summary
Most dermatological conditions occur in all types of people, regardless of their skin colour. However, certain skin problems are more common among people with darker skin tones and can manifest in different ways. Practitioners must be aware of these variations in order to make correct diagnosis and treatment. This course will help you do this.
Who should attend?
Acute and Primary Care Nursses
Nurse Practitioners
District Nurses
Practice Nurses
Allied Health Professionals such as Pharmacists
Aims / objectives
- Understand basic differences in pathophysiology
- Understand the assessment process of dermatological disease
- Increase your confidence in diagnosing common skin problems in coloured skin
- Appreciate the differences in treatment modalities
- Gain an insight into the cultural practices influencing skin, hair and nail disease
- Competently prescribe and map a plan of care
- Make appropriate referrals
Course programme
- Basic pathophysiology of the skin - variations and similarities, skin barrier function, homeostatic control, circulation, skin chemistry and flora
- Basic principles of dermatological assessment
- Categorising skin disease and descriptors
- Common skin problems;
- Dry skin
- Eczemas
- Psoriasis
- Infections and infestations including tinea
- Types of rashes - localised versus generalised
- Common skin complaints, differential diagnoses and intervention
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