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P01 Paediatric minor illness: Online Accredited by the RCN Centre for Professional Accreditation

This programme has been accredited by the RCN Centre for Professional Accreditation until the 26th June 2026. Accreditation applies only to the educational content of the programme

Course summary

This course concentrates on childhood minor illnesses from infancy to late teen years. Ideal for the practitioner who is confident with history taking and physical examination skills and wants to explore a variety of paediatric conditions in an evidence based context. A chance to share your experience and build on your expertise.

Who should attend?

Advanced nurse practitioners
Nurse practitioners
School nurses
Practice nurses
Health visitors
Allied health professionals

Important notes

Course pre-requisite- competency in history taking and physical examination skills.

Equipment, course materials, evaluation and certificate of attendance

The course runs from 10:00am- 4:30pm

RCN Accreditation focuses on continuing professional development and does not mean that the course has been accredited as equivalent to education or assessment that would demonstrate advanced level practice. The course cannot be used as a route for RCN Credentialing.  The course is intended for continuing professional development, provides a knowledge base only and is not suitable for preparation for a new role. 

The RCN cannot confirm competence of any practitioner. Competence must be developed in the workplace with appropriate clinical facilitators.


Course duration Course CPD Full price (incl VAT) per person
3 day(s) 24 hour(s) £505


Dates Block size Block discount
24/06/2025 - 26/06/2025 4 10%
09/09/2025 - 11/09/2025 4 10%
10/12/2025 - 12/12/2025 4 10%

Dates / venues

Location - venue Dates No. of people
Online - Online Delivery 24/06/2025 - 26/06/2025
Online - Online Delivery 09/09/2025 - 11/09/2025
Online - Online Delivery 10/12/2025 - 12/12/2025

Aims / objectives

  • Discuss and practice taking safe, developmentally appropriate histories for a variety of paediatric patient presentations
  • Assess and identify various common paediatric minor illnesses.
  • Identify and discuss appropriate additional diagnostics required for accurate patient assessment
  • Discuss paediatric patient management, including referral requirements for safe practice
  • Demonstrate your ability to integrate your diagnostic reasoning and patient management skills through case study and review scenarios.

Course programme

  • An overview of age appropriate history taking & physical exam techniques
  • Anatomical & physiological differences in children
  • Recognition of the ill child
  • The febrile child
  • The child with a skin problem
  • ENT conditions
  • The child with an abdominal complaint
  • The child with a respiratory problem
  • The child with an eye complaint
  • Re-inforcers

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