Our healthcare courses make everyone better

A149 Essential Cardiology for Primary Care: Tackling Hyperlipidaemia and Hypertension

Course summary

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in the UK, with hyperlipidemia and hypertension being key risk factors. This Cardiology study day is designed to equip primary care practitioners with the latest evidence-based strategies for managing these conditions. Through expert-led sessions, case studies, and interactive discussions, you'll gain practical insights into lifestyle interventions, pharmacotherapy, and overcoming common challenges like patient adherence and resistant hypertension. The aim is to enhance your ability to provide high-quality cardiovascular care and improve patient outcomes.

Who should attend?

Practice Nurses
Clinical Primary Care Pharmacists
Allied Health Professionals
Nurse Practitioners
Community Nurses


Course duration Course CPD Full price (incl VAT) per person
1 day(s) 7 hour(s) £195


Dates Block size Block discount
24/04/2025 4 10%
02/07/2025 4 10%
22/10/2025 4 10%

Dates / venues

Location - venue Dates No. of people
Online - Online Delivery 24/04/2025
Online - Online Delivery 02/07/2025
Online - Online Delivery 22/10/2025

Aims / objectives

The primary aim of this Cardiology study day is to enhance the knowledge and practical skills of UK primary care practitioners in managing hyperlipidaemia and hypertension. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Define hyperlipidaemia and hypertension, recognizing their key risk factors and complications.
  2. Interpret and apply the latest clinical guidelines for managing lipid levels and blood pressure.
  3. Implement lifestyle modifications and pharmacological treatments to improve patient outcomes.
  4. More confidently manage the challenges faced when managing patients with hypertension and/or hyperlipidaemia.
  5. Use case studies to demonstrate best practices in managing complex cardiovascular cases.

This course aims to strengthen your confidence in providing comprehensive, patient-centered cardiovascular care.

Course programme

  1. Welcome and Introduction
     Understanding Hyperlipidemia
    Definition, types, and risk factors
    The role of non-HDL, HDL, and triglycerides
    Recent guidelines and recommendations for management

  2. Managing Hyperlipidemia
    Lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise, smoking cessation)
    Pharmacotherapy options
    Addressing patient adherence and side effects
  3. Hypertension: A Silent Killer
    Definition, causes, and complications
    Measuring blood pressure: techniques and accuracy
    Lifestyle interventions for hypertension
  4. Pharmacotherapy for Hypertension
    Choosing the right antihypertensive agent
    Combination therapy and patient-centered care
    Managing resistant hypertension
  5. Case Studies and Discussion
    Real-world examples of patients with hyperlipidaemia and hypertension
    Group discussions and Q&A sessions
    Best practices for managing complex cases
  6. Summary and Closing Remarks
    Key takeaways from the day
     Next steps and resources for continued learning

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